Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Working again?

As a medical student, my schooling takes over my life. As will my eventual career; long hours, on call almost all hours of the night, stressful job loads, it literally will take over my life.  So I wonder what life would be like when I have children.  I have always had this dream of being a stay at home mother, but I also have dreams of being a radiologist in a Caner Treatment Center of America.  Large dreams, I know.  However, its one of those, 'you can't have your cake and eat it too' situations.  But it makes me wonder, how many women give up their careers to become a stay at home mom? I don't want to become that dog lady because she can't take on the stress load of children as well.

Since my overactive mind takes over most of the time, and the copious amounts of tangents it goes off on are infinite, it poses the question of 'do women who chose to stay at home ever feel like they sacrificed themselves?'  When I think of my life ten, fifteen years down the road I can't imagine not having a career.  But at the same time, I have tried to figure out how to be able to be a stay at home mom for the prime years of my child's life, and once they hit an older age go back to work.  How would I feel if I just gave up my career?  

I am amazed with women who can juggle it all.  Those women who can work a stressful and successful job, and yet be that mom who attends the soccer games and helps with homework.  I envy their organization, time management, and their ability to not become overwhelmed.  But at the same time, those women who did stay at home, have you ever contemplated going back?  Have you ever just felt like it would be easier to just work a 9-5 job?  The benefits of getting to stay at home are vast.  You get to see your child grow, you get to see the little things you would miss if you were at work.  You get to build a stronger bond with your child, as you are always there with them.  You could be the key element to their education, I know my grandmother is the single reason I read as much as I do because she used to read to me everyday as I was growing up.  But is it all worth it? I suppose it all depends on your values.  Are you a more work driven person? Or would you set it all aside to be with your family?

Like I said, I have a lot of questions with no answers. Sorry today was more of a sounding board than actual post.  Although it would be a very interesting conversation starter!

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