Saturday, March 23, 2013

There's a woman for that!

I don't have girlfriends.  I have about 5 that I really talk to on a regular basis.  The rest of you are acquaintances.  I don't even have a group of girls who I hang with.  I can't stand being friends with other women.  For some reason I don't get along with girls.  I don't know if it was because I was raised by my daddy who taught me to spit and play softball and not shed a tear (I'm not good at that last one), or what is was, but I just genuinely don't get along with them.  It's not for lack of trying.  I have been really close with girls I have worked with before.  But outside of work, I never see them, or try to.    Why am I so anti-social to my own gender?  I see cliques.  And those are just waste of air to me.  I can't stand women who gossip behind other's backs.  They are competitive to always look better, appear better, and most of all, have the better men.  I can't even explain them accurately.  But if you have ever seen Mean Girls, there you go.  

I have a theory.  We girls put more thought into things and analyse more than men do. Guys are laid back and don't care what their friends do or "If Becky, like, totally macked on him last week," as long as it doesn't affect them.  Girls tend to care, or at least put in their opinion in EVER SINGLE MATTER.  Even if their own life isn't involved, or a family member, or a friend, or a friend of a family member.  This causes friction, which leads to debate, which leads to a blow out fight.  Men just don't care.  They would rather talk about sports... or whatever guys talk about.  Plus, guys joke around a lot.  I mean they poke fun at their guy friends, and they don't take offense.  Sorry women, but you know we have thin skin.  If we hear another girl say anything about us, we take it as an insult and get on the defense.  What do guys do? Let it roll right off.  They have other things on their mind, like how the Blackhawks are still in first over the Ducks by 3 points. 

I seriously want to be friends with girls.  I have tried so hard.  But are their any other girls like me? I'm obsessed with the Chicago Blackhawks (could you tell from earlier?), I like to shoot guns and my bow, talk about cars, play softball and run, go to the local honky tonk, and just sit back and relax. I mean men are only 50% of the population, what about that other 50%? That's a crap ton of people. Especially when that 50% of the population has myriad things in common with you like, I don’t know… periods; career challenges; family woes; traveling; contraceptives; cooking food or its inverse, burning food; reading; drinking until you can’t see straight; falling into or undoing all of the stereotypes hoisted upon young girls; leering eyes; dating; figuring out whether you want to be a mother or not; and my most favorite commonality, whatever it is you share with men. Like watching sports? There’s a woman for that! But where are you??

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