I was spoiled a little when I first went away to college. I made bukoos amount of money and didn't have really any bills. I'm talking like a grand a week income and maybe one hundo going out a month. Yea, I was spoiled. But it also blinded me from reality. Growing up I must have thought the money fairy went and deposited money into my mother's wallet. I remember when we would ask for McDonalds as a child and my mom would make us ask Mr. Wallet. She would even make him talk back. Take that Geico, your money stack doesn't have anything on Mr. Wallet!
But in all reality, I never realized how much money my mom would spend on food and such. I always thought everyone could afford it. We would go grocery shopping every week and spend almost $200 on food, then get to go to McDonalds as a treat. I knew my parents made good money, but I never realized how well off we were. My entire town was made up of people within the same income bracket range, so looking around everyone had the same things. It just made me feel like that's how it was supposed to be. But then reality hit when I came home from college. The rude awakening I wish I could go back to sleep and forget.
Long story short, I was out on my own with no assistance from mommy or daddy. I realized how much a dollar really could buy you (or not). I busted my ass waiting on tables for waitress minimum (let me tell you what, $2.13 and hour doesn't buy you much) and not profiting anything. My job was a half hour away and my tips barely covered my bills and gas to get to work. Not to mention the work to upkeep a house. Ugh, working eight hours to come home and clean more! No, the desire was not there. How does anyone get this done? I then understood why my mom divided up chores to me and my sister to do, because she didn't feel like doing them. Bills became a huge thing and I felt like I was stuck under a boulder that I could never get out from under. Why did I want to be free from my parents house? Rent was paid, utilities paid, food was always there, I had it so easy! If I could go back to living under my moms house and only had to focus on school and cleaning a bathroom- you bet your ass I would go back to that!
I hate having responsibilities. I wish I could just go back to being 8 years old and just organize play dates with friends. Now I'm juggling job interviews and trying to find find a source of income. I wish I could get rid of all my bills and debt. I feel like the boulder is getting bigger. I hate cleaning, laundry, and trying to figure out finances. Anyone want to take over the responsibilities? I have laundry to do, and dishes.... and cleaning. I hate being a grown up.
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