Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Memo Most Guys Never Got

Alright, I know I slightly disappeared for a few weeks.  But there has been a lot going on lately.  Let's see if I can do a super quick update and then on to the real topic today.  Uhm, as you all know I broke the Jeep.  I ordered the wrong parts for it entirely and wasted about two hundred dollars.  We tried to find the parts at a pick and pull and still failed at that too.  We ended up having to drive about 2 hours to go get the parts from a different pick and pull.  A week later, the Jeep is fixed and now we can fix the S-10 (it has a knock in the motor).  I got two jobs, one is at a restaurant and the other is at a grocery store.  The boyfriend and I split... it's been really rough and still is.  But for now I will be renting the couch.  I'm probably buying a Jeep of my own sometime this upcoming week, hopefully Tuesday if I can find a ride there.  I'm doing my feather business and stating up a pitching lesson side gig.  There is the life update as fast and short as I can.

Here is a list of things I believe men should know.  I feel like some of them didn't get the memo, so if you're one of the unlucky men who didn't read it- here is the list that all women wish men knew.

1. Kisses on the forehead, I'll lose my mind.

2. Don't forget my birthday! Better yet, do something cute.  Whether that be flowers or just a day you set aside to do something I love with me, it's better than nothing.  No jewelry or other random presents needed.

3. Don't forget that I get stressed too.  I understand your day might not have gone exactly swimmingly well, but stop to think if maybe you're taking it all out on me.

4. Yea, I like staring at your ass. You thought you were the only one?

5. I like watching hockey and baseball.  And could probably talk circles around your head.  Get used to it.  Bonus for you though, Sports Center will always be on.

6.  I love when you ask how my day went.  And not just the passing glance ask, an actual interest in how my day really went.  Shows you care.

7.  The best roads to take are the back roads.  You just have to believe me on that one.

8.  I wait for you to text me. It's almost like an expectation. And when you do, I get a huge smile, and butterflies, and a little excited.  All in a split seconds.

9.  I'm terrified of losing who I am.  And if you think that I am losing sight of who I am- that will devastate me even more.

10.  I am a mess most of the time.  And if you can recognize it, your best bet is to just give me a hug and hold me.  Words won't help what a hug can.

11.  I am completely naive.  And I will believe you with whatever you say. Until you burn me.  Then you need to run. Fast.

12.  I listen to pretty much everything.  But I will be known to dance around my house to random music.  If you have a problem with that, you can find the door.

13.  Your only real get out of jail free card is a compilation of buying me peonies, reminding me how beautiful I am, telling me you love me, going down on me, then the next morning waking up and cuddling with me.  Pretty much in that order.  If you're in serious trouble, you might want to repeat step four again.

14.  Men aren't the only ones with egos.  So if I mess us, and I admit it, don't rub it in my face unless you feel like referring to number 13.

15.  If my period is even 5 minutes late, I assume I am pregnant.

16.  If you ask if you can go do something, and I reply with a "sure," "whatever," or "no biggie," you probably shouldn't do it.

17.  If I talk about my weight, don't say anything.  Just let me rant, only when I am done can you tell me I'm beautiful.

17b.  If I disagree with you out loud that I'm not beautiful after the fact, I'm still smiling on the inside. Don't think I didn't take that to heart.

18.  My boobs are mine.  You can play with them, but they are mine.  And if I tell you not today, it means NOT TODAY.

19.  You're sexy with multiple things in your hands.  These include but are not limited to; a baby, a guitar, a gun, a bow, a wrench, and hammer, a cigarette, an apple. Pretty much anything.

20.  I need reassurance on a lot of things.  Sometimes its how I look, but most the time it's how you feel about me. So tell me, then tell me again, and after that, retell me.

21.  Jealousy is good to an extent. If I wasn't jealous of another girl holding your attention, I must not care.  So if you see that sideways glare I shoot that girl, don't roll your eyes, it's my way of showing I care (and reminding her to back off).

22.  Yes girls watch porn. And lots of it.  We even think about sex.  I know, mind blowing notion.

23.  I love when you open up to me.  Even if it's only about a song you're thinking about writing, or how that asshole went too slow on the toll road today.

24.  Don't just come home and say hey.  Walk over to me and kiss me hello (if I haven't beaten you to it).

25.  Don't give me ultimatums.  It makes me feel like you want me to be someone other than who I am.  And if that is the case, then you don't really love me for me and we're wasting each other's time.

26.  I have plans and goals for my life.  Yes, I want to include you into these, but if you hold me back from them, I will trample all over you

27.  If you don't want me to know about it, or think you have to delete it, it's probably cheating.

28.  I replay all the good times in my head, its like an advanced stage of daydreaming.  So if I am suddenly smiling for no reason, assume I'm just daydreaming.

29.  Tattoos turn me on.

30.  I am not impressed with how you act around your friends.  So don't try and showboat.  It only makes you look like an ass.

31.  I am not your ex.  Therefore, do not treat me as an ex, refer to anything I am doing as something your ex would do, or compare me to her.

32.  There are a few things you should never do during sex.  Don't cry, don't tell me you love me, and don't forget that I should finish first.

33.  If I am sad, and you think you're the reason, figure out a way to make it better.

34.  I am willing to work on all things.  Doesn't matter the issue, I am more than willing to work my ass off to make it work.

35.  If you feel like our relationship is starting to slip, then sit down and have a conversation with me about it.  Don't blindside me with a breakup.  Chances are, I haven't noticed since I am busy too.  Maybe I let other things fill my time. But most likely, I can change that.  Girls aren't the best at multitasking twenty-four seven.

35b.  Don't go one day from kissing me to the next day leaving me, makes me feel like you don't really want to split in the first place.

35c. Don't kiss me after we break up unless you want to get back together.  Those would be mixed signals, and those are never good.

Yea... some of these are ridiculous.  But they all hold true for me, so I am assuming they hold true for most women. Maybe not. But hey, at least you have an idea now.  I'l try and update again sooner then it took last time.  My life is on hold right now, and it's a little hard to find time to want to sit down and write.  I'll try though guys.  Much love y'all.

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