So it's Friday and I am lucky enough to be kid free tonight. Payday, no kid, and the fiance leaves for the weekend... what does this all add up to? Date night. That's what. I thought this might make a perfect opportunity for my favorite thing to watch on Youtube when I can't sleep... get ready with me date night! I am just going to go ahead and preface this with this little tidbit... I am HORRIBLE at trying to get ready. I by no means think I am all that and a pair of socks with beauty type things- but hey let's roam outside of our comfort zones today!
Quick interlude- the fiance and I got a frog yesterday (and got him another albino pleco, adorable little tank suckers). But he has been the happiest little frog in the world! He is waaay too cute not to share. I have still yet to name him. We have a ten gallon tank that we have been slowly adding to. We have 4 guppies named GUP-A, GUP-B, GUP-C, and GUP-D (if your children have ever watched the Bubble Guppies then you totally understand). Two albino plecos named Nibbler and Junior. I need help naming him! He loves hiding under the food pellets though and I have never had a frog that does this before.

Anyways- back to business. I found an adorable little dress on clearance at Target (where else do I shop besides Target and Tractor Supply) and could not stop myself from buying it. I was not sure how it would fit but low and behold after trying it on I actually LOVED how it fit. I have been on this diet (more on that in another blog) and it has been hell! However I will say this dress hit in all the right places and I can not wait for him to see.
So like any girl (or maybe I am the abnormal one here) I started watching Youtube videos trying to figure out what to do with my hair... I told you guys I don't do hair. Youtube is my lifeline with anything girly. I missed that gene somehow- the one where you automatically know how to do hair and makeup perfectly. My little sister is a goddess when it comes to those things- I however have perfected the pony tail and messy bun.
But I digress. First things first I touched up my nails from a few days ago. Between the cot at work, laundry and knitting my nails do not hold up a week. I used to get a no chip manicure every 3 weeks or so but ya know, wedding and stuff so I cut it out from our budget. For some reason those no chips actually work and stay on my nails. I have tried buying the at home no chip but it doesn't hold up nearly as long as the salons. I miss my mani's haha. Anyways- I used this Essie glitter polish called Rock at the Top that has these giant glitter flakes that reflect the light so beautifully. I recently saw this hack on how to maximize the glitter pay off from glitter nails. You know how normally one coat gets you pretty sparse glitter coverage? If you use a makeup sponge and paint the tip, the sponge absorbs all the clear coat and leaves just sticky glitter that you can dab on your nail. Make sure you paint one coat of the polish on your nail first though or else it doesn't have anything to stick to. I also used these little decals I bought forever ago and I couldn't even tell you where I got them. But they are so pretty!

So cute right? I love this shade by Dermelect, but the shade name has been since rubbed off the bottle so I can not tell you which one it is. It is a gorgeous one coat formula though. As for my makeup, I have been obsessed with the Tarte Bloom 2 palette. It has such gorgeous colors of muted neutrals. I do feel as though I am cheating on my go to Tarte's Grav3yardgirl palette- but I can't get enough of this bloom palette! I ave slowly moved most of my makeup to Tarte brand. It seems to sit on my face so beautifully and doesn't budge at all. It also doesn't make me break out like most make up in the world does.

This is the best picture I could find of this palette. Thank you Beauty Point of View! They have a multitude of makeup reviews and you can find their blog right
here. All of the colors are so beautiful in this palette and I just couldn't imagine trying to explain it without a picture. When I bought the palette it came with a tutorial card with a daytime and nighttime look. I have been wearing the daytime look almost everyday and find it absolutely gorgeous. I think it looks really nice and the colors really compliment my eye color. I think these colors would look amazing on any skin type though- they are just so subtle yet wonderful. Tarte made such an amazing little tutorial I am not even going to try to explain it- I will leave it to the professionals. But this is exactly what I do for my eyeshadow.

I start my makeup look with a simple Neutrogena Rice formula primer for oily skin all over. I don't know about you but my face is super oily all the time. Thank you parents. After that dries I apply my Maybeline 2 in 1 BB cream with Salicylic acid in it. It keep the little red demons at bay and off my face. I set this with my Tarte Smooth Operator Amazonian Clay setting powder. After that I attack the eyes. I know, no concealer. But I have never found one that I love enough to risk the run off that my wonderful oily skin produces. So to start the eyes I prime with Urban Decay's Original Eye shadow Primer Potion. Not to much but it makes the perfect primer for the eyelids and I personally think it makes the eye shadow pop more off my eye lids versus not using it. Then I do exactly as the tutorial above shows for the eye shadow- no need to re-explain that. Once the eye shadow is done I swipe away any excess with a big foundation brush that has nothing on it. Next I go in with a angle tip eyeliner brush and keep a thin line across my eyelid to the corner, right up against the lash line. Next I just do a slight wing, nothing too crazy though. After eyeliner I go in with Tarte's Amazonian Clay mascara, two coats, This formula is amazing. It thickens, lengthens and separates. Seriously is the best. Lastly I contour with Tarte's Park Avenue Princess contour kit. I think this highlight is to die for. I personally don't like my highlight to stick out too too much, but this is just perfect. And the bronzer in it has the right amount of darkness that isn't too harsh. I set the whole look with Urban Decay's All Nighter setting spray for oily skin. This was one of the best investments I have ever made. My makeup can make it through an entire 16 hour shift at work and not budge a bit. I have been so impressed with this spray I recommend it to everyone who is looking for one. I do my lips after I set everything else, personal preference here but I don't think setting spray really works on lips. Plus this lip stain/gloss doesn't need any help staying. I have been currently obsessed with Tarte's collaboration with Grav3yardgirl and bought her entire collection. But her lippie she sold in the shade Texas Toast is ungodly. It goes on like a lip gloss (which I personally can't stand lip glosses) but it dries matte and stains like a lip stain, It doesn't budge. I get 6+ hour wear with this lippie without having to touch up. Its a god send. Lemme stick a picture of the finish look riiiiight here.

As for the hair I am just going to use my 1.5 inch barrel curling wand and curl all over. I do have a bit of texture to my hair right now as I left it in a braid all night (like I do every night to combat tangles). I do spray some dry shampoo to put something in my hair since it is so thin and doesn't always hold a curl. I just use Batista Dry Shampoo- its amazing and smell fabulous. After I curl my entire head I am just grabbing the front top sections of the hair and pulling to the back of the head just below the crown and pinning. That's it. Simple, but keeps the hair from in my eyes.
Annnnd now the dress! As I said before I am absolutely in love with this dress. I decided to pair this little beauty with my ankle boots. They are just simple black leather boots with a slight heel. Since the fiance and I are the same height I try not to break out the stilettos on every occasion we go out- not trying to Uma Thurman tower over him. I also have a vintage pearl necklace that is so gorgeous and a pearl bracelet to boot. I love my pearls. Heck I wear pearl earrings everyday. They go with everything! I am changing my earrings up to these stunning pearl and diamond, vintage statement studs. They are an arrangement of pearls and diamonds in almost a diamond shape setting, but it is more scroll like if that makes any sense! I will put a picture of the final look right about here ↙

Thank you guys so so much for sticking with me through this long post. I had so much fun putting this together today for you and I hope you enjoyed reading this. Let me know if you would like more get together with me posts or any other suggestions you might have. I appreciate all of you and all of your feedback and all the comments truly mean a lot to me. Thank you all again, you all are the best. Until next time here on the farm my darlings.