Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Work it, work it!

Ahhhh it's been a week and I haven't posted. I'm so sorry my little darlings. I have been in an irrational over haul of wedding stuff an it's taking up my free time. The guest list shot up overnight and between that and hammering out my people who I want to use it's been a bit hectic. But I'm glad things are finally coming to a tip as I finish this organization. At least this wave of decisions. 

The fiancĂ© and I recently signed up for a gym membership. I was SO apprehensive about doing this for reasons I shouldn't have been. I have this weird stigma about gyms and how fit people only go there. And I'm not fit. My entire body giggles while I run and it's no fun for anyone. I finally bit the bullet and signed up for a gym online and obviously you have to get your card and what not. It's so bad you guys, that when we pulled up to just get our cards- like not work out just get our stuff for signing up- I started having a panic attack. It doesn't help that the woman who helped us was miss Felisha fitness and a whopping size two with definition you could see from the other side of the gym. So of course the first time we go to work out there I'm hyperventilating the entire drive. I just don't belong at gyms. Back when I lived in Chicago I used to go for fun. I'm talking in that ass who went twice a day and enjoyed every second of it. I was that Felisha fitness. But now. Oh boy. No. 

However it wasn't that bad. We brought minimal stuff (literally keys and a jacket) so you can just hang on the hooks at the back which is nice. It was also like noon on a Thursday so there wasn't the normal crowd there. We acquired a treadmill (because I miss running) and started our workout. I'm a people watcher so I started surveying the crowd and let me tell you.... it's diverse. Obviously it's because it's noon and who is there at noon on a week day? Not people with normal work schedule. There were the typical college, too fit for their own good girls who were doing laps around the gyms giving everyone shitty looks. I waved once after about four laps and shitty, judging eyes and they stopped coming by me. But what shocked me was the amount of older people there. Now I'm trying to be nice but I mean grandma broke out of her nursing home and got to the gym. Easily 80 some years old and doing better on the elliptical than I can. This one gentleman was signing up and getting his tour while I was surveying the land. He was the CUTEST old guy I've ever seen. He's hobbling with his cane, can barely stand straight and wearing a Nam veteran hat. 

But I have been met with some set backs. Of course being me I always have had a problem with like internally yelling at myself to work out harder and harder. I'm the worse when it comes to running. I always push myself waaaay too hard and end up hurting myself. So of course during my run I pushed too hard and hurt my hip flexor (does anyone know good stretches for that?).  But got right back in it and did a home workout. However getting motivated to go to the gym after a 15 hour shift was a little hard. Sleep was calling my name and I gave in. And then we can't forget my concussion I acquired at work. I could barely think straight let alone coordinate my body to work out. But I'm not going to let this goal go. I have a wedding to get ready for and I would like to cut the guest list by two chins. 

However it's midnight and the alarm goes off at the wonderful hour of 5 so my darlings until next time ❤

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