It's Saturday. I should be excited. Yet all I can think about is the impending doom of the week to follow. The kinda doom you wanna sit down with something hard on the rocks and just think about. Like a cold a stoic look... insert Stone Cold Steve Austin with whiskey on the rock just staring at you. His mean mug would scare any week into submission. Me? Not so much.

It's Saturday and I already can't wait to get off on Saturday of next week... Not how it is supposed to go. With my normal work schedule I work four, ten hour shifts. But add three additional eight hour clinicals (which I might add you don't get paid for) and eight hours of classroom time, you don't get to see your own house very much. Not to mention of course this all has to be spread across the county- because why wouldn't you wanna drive all over the great county of Lake County to achieve your goals? I like to think I am just stimulating the pockets of the men behind the gas stations- because without their coffee and gas I am not sure how either I or my car would still be running.
When in EMS your life is filled with... you guessed it. EMS. Between work, school and clinicals I barely see my own life. Even when home I am busy studying for the next exam, or just general knowledge since it is called "practicing medicine," since you always have to stay up on your skills... This all leaves very little free time. Which, if I am being honest, is mostly filled with my lame shows I have to catch up on like: Code Black, Chicago Fire/Med/PD, Night watch, and we can't forget Untold Stories of the ER. Oh and Cops- my guilty pleasure. So effectively I have even filled my home life with more EMS. Someone remind me what regular people do with their time?
The little one is sick. And it's not just normal sick- we're talking exorcism sick. She has taken puking and made it an art form. Free lance puking in cars and redecorating her room with an ambient shade of green. I truly love what she has done with the place. But on a serious note- this intense puking (and what comes up, probably also goes... well you guessed it) and diarrhea are killing me. Its as sporadic as me taking my daily vitamin. It will literally just leave for 18 hours and then BOOM its back at your front door step. Ain't nobody got time for those shenanigans. Her sheets have been washed 3 times this week. And I know what you're saying, just switch them because I MUST have more than one set of sheets. Which is true, I do. But who would want regular flat sheets instead of flannel when they're sick? Not me. And if you do, you're a freak. Instead, my washer is getting a lot of love with the repeat offender the flannel fitted sheet.
In other news I also have decided I don't love myself and want to try a new self torture technique. It's new, so you might not have heard of it... its called diet and exercise. I know it sounds scary but I think I might be able to handle it. However, just reading about it makes me break out into a cold sweat... I started working out again (hahahaha again with the I hate myself) and even decided to splurge and get a pre-workout into my regimen. Speaking of pre-workout. What the hell?! I had never used one before, so clearly being a crazy worrier like I am, I did a LOT of research. I found one with a company that I liked previously, which had been reported to be on the milder side of pre-workouts. If you have no experience with these or just don't know what they are, a pre-workout is like a kick in the ass. Basically, if you're feeling sluggish, grab one of these and it will ramp up your energy (some more than others) and you will feel this NEED to work out. They also can help with fighting the muscle fatigue you can get mid-workout as well. Anyways back to what I was saying- the one I found doesn't make you jittery per say, but it does make you tingle. Totally didn't think anything about it because its just a tingling sensation, can't be that bad right? WRONG! The tingle is hard to explain but imagine that prickly feeling you get when your foot is asleep and finally coming to, it feels like that EVERYWHERE!
I am also doing a 21 day cleanse... because for the last time in this post, I hate myself. Probably going to be a crab monster and hell on earth to everyone who encounters me. But, I have 55 pounds to lose and it's time to make myself into the person I want to be. Hence the kick start into this little uhm journey... should be fun. Currently doing some at home, body resistance training, cardio, slightly weight lifting and of course yoga! I am still doing Adriane's Yoga Bootcamp, still definitely recommending her. Shes so fun, the little one is doing yoga too :)
Her best downward dog, gotta start em' young! I am also planning on doing Wanderlust in Chicago this year (since it will be a birthday present to myself). Besides the rest of all the little goodies it includes, the main attraction is yoga, a 5k and mediation. Beyond excited, and if you want to come but are too afraid to go alone...
you've got a friend in me! I mean seriously, who doesn't love a 5k, followed by yoga and mediation? That isn't sarcasm, that is all serious-ness. I am also freakishly excited about this entire thing. AND it's in Chicago... what better place to be?! Okay okay, I will lasso my excitement back in. But really- waaay too excited about this. 2 hours in to the 10 hours shift before 38 off. I should probably get back to attending to my crews. As always, much love from behind the dispatch desk.