Friday, March 20, 2015

Thank You

Part of me never thought I would thank you.  For everything you have put me through, everything I have dealt with, the names I have been called, the looks I have received.  I never thought I would ever even write this... I know it will never be read by you, and honestly I don't think I ever intended for it to be.  Maybe this is me raising my voice for those who might have been in my situation or are still going through it.  

First off, let me thank you for the year we had together.  I really learned who I was.  And I don't mean who I was with you.  I learned the true meaning of a dollar, the true worth of someone's word.  I accomplished a dream of mine, getting to work in the medical field.  I started school back up, something I never thought I would get back into.  I purchased my first car, threw down my first down payment on a place, and even experienced what penny pinching was.  

Thank you for cheating on me. 


You introduced me to self preservation. It's not that I won't trust anyone anymore, but now I will do so more deliberately.  You forced me to leave the comfort I knew and forced me to make decisions for myself, who I truly am, not who I was trying to be.  I realized I could be with someone so much better, myself.  Thank you for taking all the furniture and leaving me with blankets, a TV and the cable.  You taught me how to find joy with nothing.  And ultimately you forced me to move back closer to my family.  That was a blessing I didn't even know about at the time.  

Thank you for the weekend we spent together months after we split.  "Trying to see how it felt" was just an excuse to get into my bed, and it worked.  Call me sentimental, but I guess memories of happiness allowed you to walk right past my walls.  However, it finalized in my mind that we would never be able to work, and that it was a good thing our engagement fell apart.  But above that, it gave me my most prized possession. You gave me our daughter. 

I know you don't see her as yours, quite frankly I believe your exact words when I called you to tell you the news were, "Fuck off."  I cried, scared that she would blame me for you not wanting to be around.  Blame me for you choosing to be a dad to your girlfriend's daughter and not your own.  And then it hit me; it was a blessing.  I would never have to share those hugs or her kisses she gives while nuzzling her head into your cheek.  Only my chest would she fall asleep on.  Sharing a bed would mean with her only.  When she is older and has a boo-boo, I will be the only one she runs to.  I don't have to share late night snuggles or early morning giggles.  

Sure, there is no one to share the spit up with, or help with the midnight crying while I take too long to make a bottle.  No one to take shifts on diapers or maybe hold her while I mop up my own sleep deprived tears at 3 am.  But I'm glad.  I wouldn't trade any of this for the world.  She makes me a better person.  Everything I do in my life, I do for this little girl.  No longer am I striving to be better for a man, but for a little girl with the most brilliant blues eyes like her mama.  In her eyes, I am a hero.  

I am both mom and dad.  I will hold her while she cries over the boy, and then hunt him down.  I will do her hair for prom, and then threaten her date that on time really means 5 minutes early.  I am both the maternal love and paternal strength.  I am capable of anything.  And it was thanks to your lack of responsibility and compassion that I am able to see this.  Your selfishness has shown me how to be the most amazing person I could ever imagine becoming.  One day she will be old enough to see who raised her, who made the sacrifices for her.  

See, you left me and her behind.  You have your own life now and have happily moved on with your life.  And for all of this I thank you.  Thank you for showing me the real man you are.  Thank you for leaving and showing me that I deserved so much more than you.  Thank you for stepping aside so a man who is better suited for the situation could step up to the plate you so sheepishly ran from; someone who offered to help instead of being scared of the situation.  Thank you for showing me that my happily ever after is with a little girl who scrunches her nose when she smiles while she shares her puffs with the dog.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Well, Look What Came Back (life recap)

Stress.  It   plagues us all.  And it has never been something that is easy to deal with.  Try my shoes on for example.  I am a nursing student who has a nine month old child, a long distance relationship, struggling to find that way to get back to my before baby body, attempting to understand how you do makeup (since at 21 I have yet to figure out how to apply it tastefully), and debating getting back into the work force.  I have recently began yoga twice a week and I am starting to run again.  But lets be realistic, a month ago I was 2 weeks into T25 and then had a wine night and all hell broke loose and back to old habits we went.  One glass of wine and the want is gone.  What is that saying?  Flat abs or this cake?  Fucking pull out the knife cause I am going with the cake! 

But seriously who are we to think that going about something like this alone was a good idea?  I have tried the different avenues like Nike Fuelband Plus majigger support and the Jawbone community is obsolete.  I have never been a fan of the Fitbit because they seem like a cult.  And don't get me started on those weight  watching programs like Jenny Craig... But nothing really ever worked.  I even found this cute little app called Weilos, and for he two months I was good about using it, it was amazing.  But like every app I used it seems that after about a month I forget about it, or put of entering what I need to and then it become just another memory sucking icon on my phone.  Lets see, if I open this bad boy up right now I have 1, 2, 3, annnd oh look a whole folder full of 5 more apps I never use labeled "Health" with a running man after it... as if this little emoji running man was going to suddenly motivate me when looking at Jennifer Aniston's sexy body at 50 doesn't. 

However I know that putting things out in the open help to motivate people and I think that is exactly what I am going to do.  No, this isn't going to turn into one of those crazy health and fitness blogs because lets face it, that requires me to be motivated and actually accomplish something every day.  However this will be one of those, "real life, this is the shit I deal with everyday and no I don't care that I wore this shirt yesterday, yes I know there is baby food on it.  Do you really think I am going to go for that run? No I don't care how many calories are in the McDouble.... wait yes I do. Shit that test was today!" blogs. 

So I am going to be straight blunt with you.  I have a tummy donut.  Or maybe a deflated basketball duct taped to my awesome six pack abs you just can't see is more like it.  Either way, if I were to wear jeans you would think I was smuggling chips under my shirt.  I may or may not restart T25... if you would like actual reviews on it let me know.... I do have downloaded  (but never used!) the Nike training club app. I was thinking about starting that up... who knows.  The yoga I am doing is Hatha.  I can post videos that will correspond with what I am doing in this class.  I also might rant about my wonderful choice in major.... nursing.  Why do people decide this as a major? I want to shoot myself.  Is anatomy even possible to pass? 

At any rate I am excited to kick back into my blog!  I have definitely missed y'all!